Revisiting Home

Yesterday I spent the afternoon finding inspiration in the peace and quiet of The Great Swamp in Basking Ridge, NJ.  My husband took the two photos below during our visit.

Sunset at The Great Swamp

Sunset at The Great Swamp

On the way there, I finally got the courage to visit the town I grew up in again. I had not been there in 25 years, because I knew that what I remembered would be gone. I visited the spot I once called home, but my old 1771 saltbox home with its two barns, outhouse, and many gardens was no longer there. The modern world has replaced everything with modern things, and two new houses now stand on the property that I once spent my days playing on. It was a strange experience to not be able to see anything familiar at a site I once knew so well any more, save for a few trees, but it was nice to visit my old town again. I miss living there.

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